Plock GmbH

Plock GmbH

We have been a successful family business since 1920!

Best in Quality & Best in Cost – We know how!
The world is our market. Our competitors are the best stamping companies in the entire world. We face this challenge. We produce in Germany.
We assert ourselves in the global competition with the highest quality and the lowest costs.

We specialise in elaborate stamped parts and develop tools and production processes for you up to series production! Parts requiring documentation are our day-to-day business, complex tests and a complete documentation are standard.

A strict quality management and process management is our route to best in cost solutions.

  • Avoid errors and waste.
  • Optimal utilisation of raw materials and resources.
    Ongoing optimisation of the processes.
  • Growth in moderation. Long-term cross-generational targets.
    We train our employees. We offer our employees long-term secure jobs.
    We grow together with our employees with their basic and further training.
  • Metals are recycled to 100%. The sustainability of this raw material is both human knowledge that goes back over thousands of years and future-orientated vision. We like working with this raw material.
    We are convinced that products with modern metals have long-term chances in the market and that they are an indispensable part of an ecologically conscious and sustainable management.

We want to retain God´s creation.

Plock Metallwerke GmbH & Co. KG · Volmarsteiner · Straße 22 · 58089 Hagen